First NES games for Nintendo Switch Online revealed

When Nintendo first announced their upcoming online service for the Nintendo Switch they also announced that this subscription would come with the added benefit of a library of classic NES games that can be played anyhwere, anytime. Including online.

This is similar to Sony's PlayStation Plus and Microsoft's Games with Gold, apart from the fact that Nintendo's service will offer access to classic games instead of current generation ones.

In a recent Nintendo Direct the company revealed the list of launch titles that will be available when Nintendo Switch Online launches next week.

This includes franchise spawning titles like the original Super Mario Bros., The Legend of Zelda, Donkey Kong and Yoshi to name a few. The list also includes some other classic games that provided people with countelss hours of entertainment such as Baseball, Excitebike and Ice Climber.

You can check out the full list of launch titles on Nintendo's webpage.

They also announced a few of the other titles that will be added throughout the rest of this year including the original Metroid as well as Ninja Gaiden.

This is great news for Switch owners who want to relive their childhood through the classics or never got a chance to experience some of these great titles when they originally released.

The service will launch locally on the 19th of September and will cost R52 for one month, R105 for 3 months and R262 for 12 months for individual members and R459 for 12 months for a family membership, including up to 8 accounts.