Local times for the E3 Schedule

It is almost that time of year again. The pre-E3 press conferences are kicking off this weekend and I know we are all very excited to see what the show will hold in store.

Even though Sony is skipping E3 this year, we still have a packed schedule!

So gather your snacks, plan the weekend events (I know I have to skip something so that I can watch the Canadian Grand Prix).

Below is the schedule for all the conferences at South African local times, along with an embed or alink to where you can watch it.

EA: 8 June – 18:15

Count down is live, but you still have a while to wait!

Microsoft: 9 June – 22:00

The stream will go live just before the show. Visit their YouTube channel at the scheduled time. Microsoft also said that it will stream on various platforms.

Bethesda: 10 June – 02:30

The stream will go live just before the show. Visit their YouTube channel at the scheduled time.

Devolver Digital: 10 June –04:00

The stream will go live just before the show. Visit their YouTube channel at the scheduled time.

PC Gaming Show: 10 June – 19:00

The stream will go live just before the show. Visit their YouTube channel at the scheduled time.

Limited Run Games: 10 June – 21:00

They are yet to announce a platform to watch the live stream, but if the last two years is anything to go by, it'll be on YouTube.

Ubisoft: 10 June – 22:00

Square Enix: 11 June – 03:00

The stream will go live just before the show. Visit their YouTube channel at the scheduled time.

Nintendo: 11 June – 18:00

The stream will go live just before the show. Visit their YouTube channel at the scheduled time.

You can also keep track of press conferences at the show on E3 Countdown.

A huge thanks to HookX on the SAGamer forums who always helps with local times for the various shows every year.