Apple is making friends
Samsung announced at CES 2019 that iTunes is coming to Samsung smart TVs.

It was announced at CES 2019 by Samsung that iTunes is coming to Samsung smart TV's.

After over a decade and a half of having a closed ecosystem Apple is finally branching out to collaborate with other manufacturers and allow their services to be out in the real world, not only on an apple device.
Previously the only way to get your apple content on your TV was via Apple TV, and with that bringing an extra price tag to your home entertainment system bill, it isn't ideal. Now with iTunes integrated on the TV alongside services like Netflix and Youtube, people will be a lot more relaxed when buying content on iTunes knowing they can view it on their most social piece of tech in their home.
Apple is also allowing Samsung and others like Sony, LG and Vizio to use their Airplay 2 system to make it easier for users to share content direct from their Apple device. Families can share photos to the big screen for family gatherings, businesses can share slideshows and presentations from a Macbook for example, or kids can have fun viewing their latest TikTok clips with their friends.
With Apple's revenue dropping because of bad iPhone sales and trade tensions, this is their new game plan of leaning on their services business. Having announced that they will also be spending $1 Billion dollars on content shows how serious they are about this. With Netflix and Youtube already big players in this space and with Disney also weighing in this year, we're in for some interesting events unfolding if Apple is also wanting to start a streaming service.
Watch the keynote here
Do you use the Apple ecosystem for content? Movies, Series, etc.? Are you excited about this move?