Borderlands VR to launch 14 December 2018

PlayStation VR fans can look forward to the launch of Gearbox Software famous Borderlands 2 on VR on 14 December. The iconic shoot’em and loot’em game has been reworked so that you can disappear into a VR Pandora and face off with Handsome Jack.

Borderlands VR to launch 14 December 2018

PlayStation VR fans can look forward to the launch of Gearbox Software famous Borderlands 2 on VR on 14 December. The iconic shoot’em and loot’em game has been reworked so that you can disappear into a VR Pandora and face off with Handsome Jack.

Brain Burleson, Gearbox Producer said in a post on the PlayStation blog that they started doing research for the VR version in 2016 when they released the game on the PS4.


The biggest new feature of Borderlands 2 VR is our take on bullet-time, called “BAMF Time” (or “BadAss Mega Fun Time” if you’re not into the whole brevity thing). Activating BAMF Time will give you the speed and reflexes of a rabid skag, allowing you to dodge bullets, pull off 360 no-scope headshots, and even use your Action Skill to fight off hordes of bandits, bullymongs, and whatever else Pandora might throw at you.


Another new twist you’ll find in Borderlands 2 VR is the fact that for the first time ever, you’ll be driving vehicles and racking up the roadkill count from a first-person perspective. While accelerating and steering with the PlayStation Move motion controllers, players will be able to aim the vehicle’s guns with their headset. Experience first-hand the sublime exhilaration of driving one way and looking another! Lose yourself in the roar of the engine, the Pandoran landscape, the wind and viscera in your hair as you mow down your enemies—all from the comfort of your own home!

Another new twist you’ll find in Borderlands 2 VR is the fact that for the first time ever, you’ll be driving vehicles and racking up the roadkill count from a first-person perspective. While accelerating and steering with the PlayStation Move motion controllers, players will be able to aim the vehicle’s guns with their headset. Experience first-hand the sublime exhilaration of driving one way and looking another! Lose yourself in the roar of the engine, the Pandoran landscape, the wind and viscera in your hair as you mow down your enemies—all from the comfort of your own home!


From some of the comments on the blog, the biggest concerns seem to be the lack of co-op and no aim support. Although there are others who are excited about the single player aspect.

I can’t wait to see the reviews on this when it releases.