Command & Conquer: Tiberian Dawn & Red Alert Remaster Updates
At the end of 2018 EA announced they would be remastering both Command & Conquer: Tiberian Dawn and Command & Conquer: Red Alert, including all their expansion packs, to 4K PC beauty.

At the end of 2018 EA announced they would be remastering both Command & Conquer: Tiberian Dawn and Command & Conquer: Red Alert, including all their expansion packs, to 4K PC beauty.

EA also announced they would be partnering with Petroglyph Games to develop the C&C remastered collection and Lemon Sky Studios to help bring these original games to 4k glory.

Petroglyph Games includes many of the original developers from Westwood Studios, and some of the most influential members of the original Command & Conquer development team from 1995.
Lemon Sky is one of the premier art studios around the world, with a unique specialty in remastering classic RTS titles.
When EA announced the plan to remaster the games, they hadn't started any development yet and wanted the community to be part of the project from the start. Since then they have released updates periodically mostly on the Command & Conquer reddit page as production started gaining ground.
Clicking on any of these images will link you to their original 4K resolutions.

Their latest preview is the first of a unit from the game, an iconic Red Alert unit, the Tesla Tank

Seeing that the games are heavily in development there is no release date as of yet for the collection but the team are doing a good job in keeping everyone updated. Jim Vessella of EA (Jimtern) said both Command & Conquer: Tiberian Dawn and Command & Conquer: Red Alert remastered would be bundled with the expansions Covert Ops, Counterstrike, and Aftermath into one remastered collection - without microtransactions!
For a nastalgia hit, here's the original Red Alert intro song, Hell March.
Farewell Commander.