Gaming news you may have missed last week
These stories may not have been headline articles last week, but they sure warrant their spot in the news sunlight.

It's difficult to find the time and stay informed as a gamer. Sometimes news stories slip us by without us knowing of them. Luckily for you, this article will always endeavour to keep you up to date with the happenings in the gaming world. These stories may not have been headline articles last week, but they sure warrant their spot in the news sunlight.
Here are 5 of the best stories from last week:
Tony Hawk No Longer Working With Activision
Source - IGN
After the debacle that was the last Tony Hawk game, it comes as no surprise that the legendary skater hs ended his direct involvement with Activision. They still own the property, but Tony himself will not be part of the process anymore.
Metal Gear Survive flops at UK retail
Source - Eurogamer
The first Metal Gear game without Kojima at the helm has spectacularly flopped, based on early sales numbers. These numbers from the UK retail sector shows a huge decrease in sales than any other Metal Gear game ever before.
Blizzard: "We have nothing to announce" regarding Diablo 3 on Nintendo Switch
Source - Polygon
After Blizzard sent out a cheeky little tweet about the possibility of Diablo on the Switch, they've now come and stated that there is nothing to announce. Yet. I still hope in my heart of hearts for this to be a thing.
Steven Spielberg's Halo TV Series May Begin Filming In Fall 2018
Source - Pursue News
Here is something you didn't know you wanted. Halo is getting its own TV series, and it is apparently being worked on by Steven Spielberg himself.
Yakuza 6 demo removed from PSN store after “some were able to use the demo to unlock the full game.”
Source - Developer Tweet
Yet another game demo released within the week that made it possible to unlock the full game, Yakuza 6. It has unfortunately been removed from the store for those that thought they would score a free title.
And those are the news stories you may have missed. Join us ever week on Mondays to catch-up on everything you may have missed. And remember, stay informed!