Gaming news you may have missed last week
E3 is less than a month away. More and more "leaks" and "announcements" and "teasers" are shared by publishers almost on a daily basis now. It is easy to get lost in it all, so let's look at some of the highlights of last week.

E3 is less than a month away. More and more "leaks" and "announcements" and "teasers" are shared by publishers almost on a daily basis now. It is easy to get lost in it all, so let's look at some of the highlights of last week.
Hackers find "official," usable PSP emulator hidden in PS4's PaRappa
Source - Arstechnica
Good old hackers finding stuff us mere mortals cannot. It seems that deep down in the code of the PS4 remaster version of PaRappa the Rapper, there is code for a full blown PSP emulator. What this might suggests is that Sony might be gearing up to bring more PSP games to their home consoles.
Bethesda's Pete Hines: Next month might be our longest E3 showcase ever
Source - Twitter
Seems like Bethesda is gearing up for a big E3 presentation, given info tweeted by Pete Hines, the marketing guru of the company. After last year's disappointing show, this is good news for fans of Bethesda games.
PlatinumGames working on a top-secret game that might "Turn the action genre on its head"
Source - Dualshockers
Big words spoken by Hideki Kamiya at a recent Bitsummit panel. Apparently PlatinumGames is working on some big new title. Good to see the developer bounce back after the cancellation of Scalebound
New Bethesda teaser via Twitter hints at something coming on 5/14
Source - Twitter
Mark you calendars, because Bethesda had more tweeting to do last week. This time the official Bethesda Twitter account tweeting a series of pictures, which culminated in one final picture with seemingly the date of 5/14 in it. Perhaps we will find out what they are planning today.
Sony E3 2018 Press Conference dated and detailed
Source - PlayStation Blogpost
Sony has finally revealed their E3 presentation date. They will take the stage on Monday 11 June. More details about their line-up also includes mentions of The Last Of Us 2, Death Stranding, Ghost of Tsushima and Spiderman.
And those are the news stories you may have missed. And remember, stay informed!