Marvel’s Spider-Man Gets Two New Spider-Man: Far From Home Suits In Free Update
With the Spider-Man: Far From Home movie just being released, Sony and Insomniac are celebrating by releasing 2 Far from Home Suits for free. #spiderman #ps4

With the Spider-Man: Far From Home movie just being released, Sony and Insomniac are celebrating by releasing the Far from Home Upgraded Suit and Far From Home Stealth Suit from the movie for the game for free.

In order to use the suits you need to have built the Advanced Suit early on in the game, which will allow you to switch between suits during the story.
The suits are available right now when you download Patch 1.16. Marvel’s Spider-Man is available now for PlayStation 4. Spider-Man: Far From Home is showing in theaters worldwide. (Ster-Kinekor,Nu-Metro)