Nintendo E3 Direct E3

Nintendo was the last of the big companies to hold its E3 conference this year. We got to see some new gameplay for upcoming titles as well the announcement of a few more ports and one or two brand new games. We saw some more of the new Pokemon Let's Go games and how the Pokeball accessory will work. New Mario Party and Fire Emblem games were also revealed.
Surprisingly, more than half of the conference was dedicated to showing off Super Smash Bros. Ultimate in depth. While it was great to see the game in action and to see so much of it, it can be argued that Nintendo went into too much detail and neglected some of the other titles shown, not to mention the games we were hoping for but did not get to see.
Overall this conference came as a bit of a letdown. A good amount of content was shown (Wasteland 2 and Dragonball FighterZ are personal highlights), but too much time was giving to a single title. It would have been great to see some Bayonetta 3 or Metroid 4 gameplay, but sadly Nintendo did not grace us with these titles at this time.
You can take a look at the full Nintende E3 Direct 2018 below