Walmart Canada Ruins E3 reveals with new premature pre-order listings

Wallmart Canada has decided to come to the party and spoil E3 for alot of Developers and publishers by revealing alot of games scheduled for E3 2018 announcements prematurely.
These include:
Just Cause 4
Splinter Cell
Dragon Quest 2 (PS4/XBO)
LEGO DC Villans
Borderlands 3
Rage 2
Gears of War 5
Forza Horizons 5
Assassin's Creed
Despite some questionable listings (Forza horizon 4 is due not 5) alot of these games is expected for E3 reveals it is surprising however that a New AC is in development (or maybe a remaster of the first Assasins creed) considering that Ubisoft has stated that the series are now officially on a longer 2 year development cycle.
I guess we will find everything out at E3 2018.